Automated Reports on the VTS Rise Platform - Residential Properties

Automated Reports on the VTS Rise Platform - Residential Properties

Automated Reports on the VTS Rise Platform - Residential Properties

On the VTS Rise platform we have several automated reports that provided deeper insight to what is happening at the property for our property admins to view. To view the automated reports, you will log onto the admin portal, select Advanced on the left hand navigation menu, and then select Reports at the bottom. This is where you will find each of the reports that this article will be showing you. 

Total Count Per Category Report

This report will show the property admin features that are being used at the property and how often based on the filtering options at the top. This gives the property admin insight into the VTS Rise features to share great data with key stakeholders or even inform some decision making at the property. 

Category Count Per Staff Report 

This report will show the property admin how their staff are engaging with the VTS Rise features. Property admins can use this data to learn more about the features their team uses on a day-to-day basis. 

Work Orders Closed Per Staff Report

This report will show property admins how many Work Orders each of their staff members have closed. This report can help provide insight into how who is closing out Work Orders at the property and how many they are closing. 

Total Work Orders Created By Unit Report

This report will show the property admins the total amount of Work Orders submitted by a Unit based on filtering at the top. This is a great way for property admins to quickly see how many Work Orders units at the property are submitting. 

Total Work Orders By Location Report

This report will show the Property Manager the total number of Work Orders submitted by location at the property based on the filtering at the top. This provides the property admin with great data on what locations at the property have needed the most service by their maintenance team. 

Created v/s Closed Work Orders Report

This report will show the property admin the amount of Work Orders that are closed versus open at the property. This report provides great data to see how many Work Orders are sitting in an open status versus a closed status. 

Work Orders Per Category

This report will show the property admin the Work Orders submitted per category based on the filtering options at the top. The data in this report can show the property admin what Work Order categories have the most request submitted for work to be completed by the maintenance staff. 

Total Times Amenity Is Booked Report 

This report will show property admins the total times an amenity space was booked based on the filtering at the top. This report provides good data on amenity space usage at the property. 

Chargeable Reservations Report

This report will show the property admins the chargeable reservations at the property. This report can be downloaded as a CSV for further sorting. The property admins can also select the Service ID to view all the details about an individual chargeable reservation.  

Chargeable Work Orders Report 

This report will show the property admins all of the chargeable Work Orders. Property admins can export this data as invoices or download it as a CSV. Additional information can be view for an individual Work Order charge by selecting the Service ID. 

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