Automation Groups for Residential Properties

Automation Groups for Residential Properties

Automation Groups for Residential Properties

In this guide, you will learn:
  1. How to create an Automation Group to Log Presence
  2. How to create an Automation Group to notify Staff of Residents entering the property
  3. How to create an Automation Group to notify residents of packages

Creating an Automation Group to Log Presence

Step 1
Upon logging into the Admin Portal, select “Advanced” from the left-hand menu and select "Automation Groups.”

Step 2
Select “Add Automation Group” from the upper right-hand corner.

Step 3
Create Automation Group.
  1. Title: Name of the Automation Group.
  1. Beacon: Select the relevant beacon(s) you would like to begin logging presence.
  1. Resident Type: The resident type(s) you would like to track and log presence when in the radius of the selected beacon.
  1. Staff Role: The staff role(s) you would like to track and log presence when in the radius of the selected beacon.
  1.  Select “Log Presence.

Step 4
Select “Submit” to save and complete the Automation Group setup.

Creating an Automation Group to Notify Staff a Resident has entered Property

An Automation Alert for notifying staff needs to be created prior to tieing it to the Automation Group in the VTS Rise platform. Check out this article here to learn how to create Automation Alerts!

Step 1
Select “Advanced” from the left-hand menu and select "Automation Groups.”

Step 2
Select “Add Automation Group” from the upper right-hand corner.

Step 3
Create Automation Group.
  1. Title: Name of the Automation Group.
  1. Beacon: Select the relevant beacon(s).
  1. Resident Type: The resident type(s) you would like to notify staff when in the radius of the selected beacon.
  1. Staff Role: The staff role(s) you would like to notify staff when in the radius of the selected beacon, if applicable.
  1.  Select “Notify Staff" from here you can select the alert to apply to the group as well as select Staff Roles that should receive the Alert.

Step 4
Select “Submit” to save and complete the Automation Group setup.

Creating an Automation Group to alert Residents of Packages

An Automation Alert for notifying Residents of packages needs to be created prior to tieing it to the Automation Group in the VTS Rise platform.  Check out this article here to learn how to create Automation Alerts!

Step 1
Select “Advanced” from the left-hand menu and select "Automation Groups.”

Step 2
Select “Add Automation Group” from the upper right-hand corner.

Step 3
Create Automation Group.
  1. Title: Name of the Automation Group.
  1. Beacon: Select the relevant beacon(s).
  1. Resident Type: The resident type(s) you would like to notify of the package.
  1. Staff Role: The staff role(s) you would like to notify of the package.
  1.  Select “Send Alert to Selected Users" from here you can select the alert to apply to the group. 

Step 4
Select “Submit” to save and complete the Automation Group setup.

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