If your property has enabled its building occupants to create network/community posts you will be able to use the following steps to add content to the community board.
Step 1
After logging into your property's app, select Network located at the bottom of the screen.
Step 2
The top tab has three view options: Community, Marketplace, and Events. Select your category view.
- Community:
- Search the Newsfeed using the Search bar at the top of the Newsfeed section.
- Create a new post by selecting the Paper and Pencil icon to the right of the Search Bar.
- Add a Title to your Newsfeed Post
- Enter a Description (optional)
- Add an image (optional)
- You can even select if the post is meant for the entire property or just the occupants in your tenant space by selecting My Tenant under Make this post visible to.
- This is only available if your property has enabled this action for your space. Please direct any questions about this permission to your Property Manager.
- Scroll through the Newsfeed section to browse Management Posts, Newsfeed Posts, and Polls.
- Marketplace:
- Search the Marketplace using the Search bar at the top of the Marketplace section.
- Create a new listing by selecting the + icon to the right of the Search Bar.
- Add a photo of the item you are selling
- Title your listing
- Enter a description of the item you are listing
- Set the price for your item
- Select a Category
- Scroll through the Marketplace to view other listings at the property.
- Events:
- Search the Events using the Search bar at the top of the Events section.
- Create a new event by selecting the + icon to the right of the Search Bar.
- This is only available if your property has enabled this action for your space. Please direct any questions about this permission to your Property Manager.
- Title your event
- Select the Start Date/Time and End Date/Time
- Select if there should be a Repeat
- Include a Description and Location of the event
- Select the toggle next to RSVP if you would like to collect RSVPs for the event
- Include an email under Email me when RSVP received (optional)
- Limit number of attendees can be used to set a cap on the attendance of the event.
- Enable comments by selecting the toggle
- You are able to Send new event notification to users
- You can even select if the post is meant for the entire property, just the occupants in your tenant space, or specific occupants under Make this post visible to.
- This is only available if your property has enabled this action for your space. Please direct any questions about this permission to your Property Manager.
- Select any additional images or attachments under Add to your post
NOTE: Only your name (first and last) appears, not your tenant space.
Step 1
Select Network located at the bottom of the screen.
Step 2
Select Newsfeed, Marketplace, or Events to view posts.
Step 3
Select the chat bubble under the post you want to engage with.
Step 4
Type your message and/or upload a picture and select the arrow.
In Marketplace the comments are private messages between the seller and commenter. Only the seller will see your name and message.