Luxer One Integration

Luxer One Integration

Luxer One Integration 

Luxer One is a package management Integration and allows packages scanned into Luxer One to be imported into VTS Rise.

Data Flow and Synchronization process

Package Syncing:

  • Packages are synced from Luxer One to VTS Rise.

  • If the package status (picked up/not picked up) is changed on Luxer One, it is changed in VTS Rise.

  • Packages are mapped to the user via their Yardi code.

VTS Rise and Luxer One Sync Methods

  • A CRON job runs every 5 minutes to import packages that have not been picked up.

Misc Details

  • The Luxer One integration requires the property to be integrated with Yardi.

For more information on the Yardi integration, reach out to your main point of contact at VTS Rise.

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