Package Management for Residents

Package Management for Residents

Package Management

When you receive a package, your property's staff members will be scanning your packages into the VTS Rise platform and placing them in your dedicated package space. You will receive a notification when the package has been scanned in via email as well as an in-platform notification when you sign in. 

From the Packages screen, you can view packages pending pickup, view all package details such as the image of the package, the date, time, and name of the staff member who scanned in the package, as well as any comments from staff in regards to your package. In this article, you will learn how to:

  1. Sign Off on Packages
  2. View Package Details
  3. Move a Package to the Awaiting Pickup Queue

Sign Off on Packages

From the App

Step 1
In your property's app, select Packages, located in the quick action button menu. You can also find this by selecting Features from the bottom of the app, then selecting Packages.

Step 2
Select the package(s) you wish to pick up. You can select multiple packages if applicable.

Step 3
Select Marked as Picked Up from the bottom of the screen.

Step 4
Sign for the package using your finger on your device.

From the Portal

Step 1
Upon logging into the portal, select Packages from the left navigation menu. 

Step 2
Select the package(s) you wish to pick up.

Step 3
Select Marked as Picked Up in the upper right corner.

Step 4
Sign for the package using your mouse on your device.

View Package Details

On the package details, you are able to see an image(s) of the package, all activity associated with the package such as who logged and when the package was logged as well as signatures taken when the package was picked up.

From the App

Step 1
In your property's app, select Packages, located in the quick action button menu. You can also find this by selecting Features from the bottom of the app, then selecting Packages.

Step 2

Packages waiting to be picked up: Select the package for which you wish to view the details. 

Packages already picked up: Select Picked Up from the top of the screen. Then select the package for which you wish to view the details.

From the Portal

Step 1
Upon logging into the portal, select Packages from the left navigation menu. 

Step 2

Packages waiting to be picked up: Select the package for which you wish view the details. 

Packages already picked up: Select "Picked Up" from the top of the screen. Then select the package for which you wish to view the details.

Moving a Package to Awaiting Pickup Queue

From the App

Step 1
In your property's app, select Packages, located in the quick action button menu. You can also find this by selecting Features from the bottom of the app, then selecting Packages.

Step 2
Select Picked Up from the top of the screen. This will show you all packages that have already been picked up.

Step 3

Select the package(s) you wish to pick up. You can select multiple packages if applicable. 

Step  4

Select Awaiting Pickup from the bottom of the screen.

From the Portal

Step 1
In the portal, select Packages from the left navigation menu.

Step 2

Select Picked Up from the top of the screen. This will show you all packages that have already been picked up.

Step 3
Select the package(s) you wish to move to Awaiting Pickup.

Step 4

Select Mark as Awaiting Pickup from the top right side of the screen.

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