Work Order Management for Residential Staff

Work Order Management for Residential Staff

Work Order Management for Residential Staff

Through both the Staff Experience App and Portal, the maintenance team will be able to create and manage Work Orders and Preventive Maintenance Tasks with ease. 

In this article, you will learn how to:
  1. Open and Close a Work Order
  2. Filter Existing Work Orders
  3. Create a Work Order on Behalf of a Resident
  4. Estimate Reports
  5. Manage Preventive Maintenance

From the App

Open and Close Work Orders

Step 1
Upon logging into your Property's app, select Work Orders.  All existing Work Orders are viewable from this screen. 
The status of existing Work Orders is located in the top right corner of each Work Order. 

  1. Pending: Submitted, but has not been claimed/picked up by a staff member yet. 
  2. In Progress: Staff member has claimed/picked up the Work Order to begin work. 
  3. Completed: Staff has finished their role in the Work Order and is waiting for approval from Property Admin who will close it. (Not all properties utilize this workflow)
  4. Closed: Work Order has been closed.
Step 2
Select the Work Order you would like to begin work on by choosing the ticket and selecting Accept work order

Note: If Send a Quote is selected, you will need to create an Estimate Report.

Step 3 (If Applicable)
Under Activity, you are able to add Tasks, Material, and Labor.

Add Task: Assign a task within the Work Order to an additional staff member at your property. 

Note: All Tasks must be closed before the Work Order can be closed. 

Enter the TitlePriority (High or Low), Assign to Staff member, DescriptionFinish Before Date, and any Private Notes.

Add Material: Add chargeable material to the Work Order. Materials also can be utilized to keep track of inventory. This will add the applicable charges to the Work Order ticket as well as the ledger if your property is taking payments through the VTS Rise platform.

Note: Materials must be loaded in the Admin Portal before Materials can be added. 

    Material: Select the Material Category
    Add Material: Select the Material to be applied to the Work Order
    Quantity: How many of the Materials are being utilized
    Billable: If the Material is billable, toggle the button to blue, otherwise, toggle the button to grey.
    Add Labor: Select the applicable labor rate, name, and how many hours were used, and add any additional notes.

    Note: Labor Rates must be loaded in the Admin Portal before Labor can be added. 

      Include the Labor Rate, number of Hours and/or Minutes, if it is Billable, and any Notes. The Total will be calculated by the system including any pre-configured Basic Tax or Markup Tax rates.

      Comments: Use the comment section at the bottom of the Work Order to send updates, notes, and questions directly to the person who created the Work Order. 

      Step 4
      Close the Work Order by selecting Complete Work Order and entering closing notes. 

      Filter Existing Work Orders

      Step 1
      After logging onto your property's app, select Work Orders

      Step 2
      Select the magnifying glass in the top right corner of the screen, fill out all fields you would like to filter Work Orders by, and select Apply.

      1. Unit Number Display all Work Orders for a specific unit
      2. Work Order ID: Shows the specific Work Order based on the Work Order ID
      3. Start Date & End Date: Filters Work Orders within a designated date range
      4. Status: Filter Work Orders to show Pending, In Progress, Completed, and/or Closed
      5. Approval Status: Displays Work Orders that are Approval Pending, Approved, and/or Declined
      6. Created by: Displays Work Orders submitted by a specific person
      7. Assigned to: Displays Work Orders submitted by a specific person
      8. Reset: Clears all filters to display all Work Orders

      Create Work Orders

      Step 1
      Upon logging into your property's app, select Work Orders

      Step 2
      Select Add New Entry, located at the bottom of the screen. Follow the onscreen prompts to create a new Work Order and select Submit

      1. Unit: Select the Unit the Work Order is for
      2. Is Resident Facing: Select Yes to select a resident in the building who should have access to this Work Order in their app or portal experience
      3. Select Category: Categories are used to organize Problems making it easier for you to find the issue
      4. Select Problem: Problems allow you to narrow your focus for Work Order creation
      5. Assign to Staff: Select the Staff member the Work Order will be assigned to
      6. Equipment Category: If maintenance needs to be performed on your equipment, such as HVAC assets
      7. Equipment: The specific piece of Equipment the Work Order is to be performed on
      8. Description: Any details or additional information pertinent to the Work Order
      9. Location: If the Work Order is related to a specific location, it can be set here
      10. Permission to Enter: Grants staff permission to enter when the resident is not home
      11. Entry Note: If there are any requirements to entry, i.e. "Take your shoes off" or "Unit has pets"
      12. Additional Fields: Complete any Custom Questions that have been configured by your property

      Estimate Reports

      If a Resident has requested a quote, this is the workflow for creating an Estimate Report.
      Note: If a quote is requested by an occupant, the work order can not be completed or closed until the estimate report is approved.

      Step 1
      Select the Work Order you would like to begin work on by selecting the ticket and selecting Accept work order

      Step 2
      Select Activity at the top of the screen, then Estimate report.

      Step 3
      A pop-up will appear allowing you to add both Labor and Materials estimates. Enter the applicable fields and select Add Estimate report.

      Step 4
      This will populate the Estimate Report and send the estimate to the Resident that requested the work order allowing them to Approve or Reject the estimate.

      Step 5 (Resident approves)
      If the resident approves, the Estimate Report will be marked as Approved and you can continue with the Work Order.

      Step 5 (Resident rejects)
      If the resident rejects the Estimate Report, it will prompt you to edit and resend it for approval before continuing work.

      From the Portal

      Open and Close Work Orders

      Step 1
      Upon logging into the portal, select Work Orders.  All existing Work Orders are viewable from this screen. 
      The status of existing Work Orders is located in the top right corner of each Work Order. 

      1. Pending: Submitted, but has not been claimed/picked up by a staff member yet. 
      2. In Progress: Staff member has claimed/picked up the Work Order to begin work. 
      3. Completed: Staff has finished their role in the Work Order and is waiting for approval from Property Admin who will close it. (Not all properties utilize this workflow)
      4. Closed: Work Order has been closed.
      Step 2
      Select the Work Order you would like to begin work on by selecting the ticket and selecting Accept work order

      Step 3
      After accepting the work order, a pop up will appear asking you to confirm that you want to accept the work order. Accepting will assign the work order to you.

      Step 4 (If Applicable)
      Under Activity, you are able to add TasksMaterial, and Labor.

      Add Task: Assign a task within the Work Order to an additional staff member at your property. Enter the TitlePriority (High or Low), Select StaffFinish Before DateDescription, and any Private Notes.
      Note: All Tasks must be closed before the Work Order can be closed. 

      Add Material: Add chargeable material to the work order. This will add the applicable charges to the work order ticket as well as the ledger if your property is taking payments through the VTS Rise platform. 
      Note: Materials must be loaded in the Admin Portal before materials can be added.


      Material: Select the Material Category
      Add Material: Select the Material to be applied to the Work Order
      Quantity: How many of the Materials are being utilized
      Billable: If the Material is billable, toggle the button to blue, otherwise, toggle the button to grey.
      Add Labor: Select the applicable labor rate name, how many hours were used, and add additional notes. 
      Note: Labor Rates must be loaded in the Admin Portal before Labor can be added. 


      Comments: Use the comment section at the bottom of the work order to send updates, notes, and questions directly to the person who created the work order. 

      Filter Existing Work Orders

      Step 1
      After logging into the portal app, select Work Orders

      Step 2
      Select Filters, located to the right of the screen, and fill out all fields by which you would like to filter Work Orders. 

      1. Unit Number: Display all Work Orders for a specific unit
      2. Service ID: Shows the specific Work Order based on the Service ID/Work Order ID
      3. Created by: Displays Work Orders submitted by a specific person
      4. Assigned to: Displays Work Orders submitted by a specific person
      5. Start Date & End Date: Filters Work Orders within a designated date range
      6. Status: Filter Work Orders to show Pending, In Progress, Completed and/or Closed
      7. Approval Status: Displays Work Orders that are Approval Pending, Approved, and/or Declined
      8. Status open/close: Filters by Open vs Closed Work Orders
      9. Clear All: Clears all filters to display all Work Orders

      Create Work Orders

      Step 1
      Upon logging into the portal, select Work Orders. 

      Step 2
      Select Create Work Order, located at the top of the screen. Follow the onscreen prompts to create a new Work Order and select Submit. 

      1. Unit: Select the Unit the Work Order is for
      2. Is Resident Facing: Select Yes to select a resident in the building who should have access to this Work Order in their app or portal experience
      3. Select Category: Categories are used to organize Problems making it easier for you to find the issue
      4. Select Problem: Problems allow you to narrow your focus for Work Order creation
      5. Assign to Staff: Select the Staff member the Work Order will be assigned to
      6. Equipment Category: If maintenance needs to be performed on your equipment, such as HVAC assets
      7. Equipment: The specific piece of Equipment the Work Order is to be performed on
      8. Description: Any details or additional information pertinent to the Work Order
      9. Location: If the Work Order is related to a specific location, it can be set here
      10. Permission to Enter: Grants staff permission to enter when the resident is not home
      11. Entry Note: If there are any requirements to entry, i.e. "Take your shoes off" or "Unit has pets"
      12. Additional Fields: Complete any Custom Questions that have been configured by your property

      Estimate Reports

      If a Resident has requested a quote, this is the workflow for creating an Estimate Report.

      Note: If a quote is requested by an occupant, the work order can not be completed or closed until the estimate report is approved.

      Step 1
      Select the Work Order you would like to begin work on by selecting the ticket and selecting Accept work order

      Step 2
      If the resident has requested a quote in their submission a box will appear in the upper right corner for the Estimate Report

      Step 3
      A pop-up will appear allowing you to add both Labor and Materials estimates. Enter the applicable fields and select Save changes.

      Step 4
      This will populate the Estimate Report and send the estimate to the Resident that requested the work order allowing them to Approve or Reject the estimate.

      Step 5 (Resident approves)

      If the resident approves, the Estimate Report will be marked as Approved and you can continue with the Work Order.

      Step 5 (Resident rejects)
      If the resident rejects the Estimate Report, it will prompt you to edit and resend it for approval before continuing work.

      Managing Preventive Maintenance

      From the App

      Step 1
      Upon logging into your properties app, select Work Orders from the home screen. 

      Step 2
      Select the PM tab at the top of the screen to access the Preventive Maintenance tasks. 

      Step 3
      Select the Preventive Maintenance task you wish to view and/or complete by choosing the task.  Select Complete Task and enter all applicable information. Select Submit to complete the preventive maintenance task. 

      1. Hours: How many hours the task took to complete
      2. Minutes: How many minutes the task took to complete
      3. Task Details: Enter any information about the task you would like to document
      4. Parts Used: You can enter any parts you used in the task
      5. Amount: This is being calculated by the Labor hours x Labor rate
      6. Add photo or image: Include images if necessary of the Preventive Maintenance task

      From the Portal

      Step 1
      Upon logging into the portal, select Work Orders

      Step 2

      Select the PM tab from the top of the screen to access Preventive Maintenance tasks. 

      Step 3

      Select the Preventive Maintenance task you wish to view and/or complete by selecting the task. Select Complete and enter all applicable information to complete the Preventive Maintenance tasks. 

      1. Hours: How many hours the task took to complete
      2. Minutes: How many minutes the task took to complete
      3. Task Details: Enter any information about the task you would like to document
      4. Parts Used: You can enter any parts you used in the task
      5. Amount: This is being calculated by the Labor hours x Labor rate
      6. Add photo or image: Include images if necessary of the Preventive Maintenance task

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