Visitor Pass Configuration for Residential Admins

Visitor Pass Configuration for Residential Admins

Visitor Pass Configuration for Residential Admins

With VTS Rise's Visitor Management features, you can manage Visitor Passes with ease freeing up your staff. In this article, you will learn:
  1. How to configure Visitor Pass Settings
  2. Enabling Kiosks for Visitor Passes
  3. Setting up Visitor Pass Messages
  4. Adding Floor and Suite Selection to Visitor Passes

Visitor Pass Ranges

Step 1
After logging into the Admin Portal, select Settings in the left navigation, then Property Settings.

Step 2
Configure Default Start/End Time for Visitor Passes. This will update the time range shown by default during visitor pass creation.

Step 3
Set the number of minutes before the scheduled time that a Visitor Pass may work at the property.  

Custom Validity Options

VTS Rise is able to set the length for passes to be valid. Our default is 1 month but we have several options including 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 6 or 12 months.

Kiosk Enabled Features

For properties utilizing Rise Kiosks and Rise Scan, there are additional Visitor Pass features that require users to check in at a Kiosk to enable the Visitor Pass to work at Access Points or Elevators. 

Property Specific Visitor Text/Email

In Property Settings, Property Admins can set a property-specific text or email message for visitor invites.

Visitor Pass Message

Property Admins are able to personalize the default Visitor Pass Message to include building-specific information, parking, and more! Additionally, Property Admins can upload PDFs to Visitor Passes that are sent through Email. 

Floor Selection During Visitor Pass Creation

Enabling floor selection during visitor pass creation will add a Floor field for Residents while creating a visitor pass. The Floor field will default to the Visitor Home Floor that has been configured under the Resident's Unit. 

Step 1
After logging into the Admin Portal, select Settings in the left navigation, then Property Settings.

Step 2
Locate the setting, Allow floor selection during visitor pass creation? and select the checkbox next to it. Select Submit at the bottom of the page to save your changes.

Note: This can be a required field or an optional field. 

Step 3
The predetermined Visitor Home Floor of the Unit the Resident belongs to will be selected when a resident creates a visitor pass.

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